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Revelation on the Name of God

(Cited in "The Holy Spirit and the Godhead," a discourse by Elder Orson Pratt, Feb. 18, 1855. See Journal of Discourses, Vol.2, pp. 342-343.)

"There is one revelation that this people are not generally acquainted with. I think it has never been published, but probably it will be in the Church History. It is given in questions and answers. The first question is, "What is the name of God in the pure language?" The answer says, "Ahman." "What is the name of the Son of God?" Answer, "Son Ahman --- the greatest of all the parts of God exceptiing Ahman." "What is the name of men?" "Sons Ahman," is the answer. "What is the name of angels in the pure language?" "Anglo-man."

(From Andy Hobbs' doctrinal resources page.)

But, as every good 33 degree Mason knows, the real name of God is Jah-Bul-On.

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Anonymous said ... (January 04, 2005 3:19 PM) 

So, what does Ahman mean? Any resemblance to the Hebrew root *MN? Does it have some affinity to "amen"?

As far as "Anglo-man" goes, I've heard that term used. But not in reference to angels.  

Posted by Justin


Anonymous said ... (January 04, 2005 4:41 PM) 

Ronan, I know some people hold a high opinion of Orson Pratt, but every quote of his I read gives me the impression he was just full of strange ideas. No wonder the practical and pragmatic Brigham Young got tired of him.

About names -- there is a fascination with names in magic and folk religion that strikes me as odd (which probably marks me as being neither a magician nor folk religionist myself). I reject the notion that knowing the name of a spirit or a god somehow bestows power over that spirit or god. Christian theology looks at a lot of different topics, but I've never run across hand-wringing over the name of God or His angelic associates. But then, Christian theology has been careful to eradicate magical thinking from its pages. I think it is odd that LDS thinking takes the question of the true name of God so seriously (or other names, for that matter). We don't, for example, know the real name of the Holy Ghost, but that doesn't stop us from describing Him and feeling that He is on our side. 

Posted by Dave


Anonymous said ... (January 04, 2005 5:34 PM) 

My flippant reference to Freemasonry at least alludes to this "naming God" phenomenon. I don't think we "take the true name of God" seriously anymore, though. Pratt's Mormonism is long gone, which is why I'm loathe to try and work out what "Ahman" actually means. Besides, it's Adamic right?  

Posted by Ronan


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