MMS Friends

United Brethren is currently on blog sabbatical.

Around the blogs

I'm hoping for the arrival of StepfordMormonHousewives, or MollyMormonHousewives in the Bloggernacle (I'm trademarking those names, by the way). Until then, Mormon housewife blogs (other than you know what) are further represented by the arrival of Notes from the Nest and Beckynews. They both seem to have an obsession with food. Beckynews is beginning a series on English Christmas traditions, so if you want to know your Boxing Days from your Christmas crackers go have a look. Both of these fine lady bloggers also happen to be United Wives, but that has nothing to do with the plug. Speaking of plugs, may I also introduce UB readers to our non-Mormon political/life/sport blog, Headlife (also known as the Red One). We are Oxford and Johns Hopkins alums and focus on British/European-American politics (etc.). Things get angry at times, but then I try to introduce something cricket.

As a lover of comic books (recent fave being Marvel's 1602), I enjoyed BCC's interview with artist Michael Allred of Madman fame who is creating a Book of Mormon series. As my son loves comics way more than he does the scriptures (OK, he's only four), I shall definitely be getting hold of this. And the Mormon Wasp has a nice collection of links about Mormons and race.

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