Something wicked this way comes

(Ronan) 1/26/2005 05:26:50 PM

Readers of Splendid Sun will already know about a nascent Bloggernacle collaboration: the Mormon Archipelago. In a Bloggernacle dominated by Target and Walmart (or the United States and the Soviet Union, or Manchester United and Chelsea - choose your metaphor), what are the Mom and Pop stores to do? What hope is there for the Lichtenstein's and Andorra's of this world? Should Tottenham Hotspur and Charlton Athletic even bother to show up?

Splendid Sun and United Brethren have decided to offer each other moral support. Whilst we have yet to work out the details, expect guest-blogging rotations, mutual site-feeds and other wonders. There are other plans afoot which shall remain secret for now (but might involve becoming part of larger Nato/Warsaw Pact-like spheres of influence). Once new members join the Archipelago an informal constitution will be written.

Other small blogs are invited to consider joining the Mormon Archipelago. Be warned though, we are selective. Basic criteria for membership include:

1. Being able to type "archipelago" in less than 2 seconds
2. Submitting your membership request in Sumerian cuneiform
3. Having a cool blog
4. A certain ethical standard coupled with intellectual honesty. England's quote says it best: precisely in the struggle to be obedient while maintaining integrity, to have faith while being true to reason, to serve and love in the face of imperfections and offenses, we can gain the humility to allow divine power to transform.

Welcome to the Mormon Archipelago: for all the little guys in the world. Email ronan at jhu dot edu.

[Revised edition 26.i.05]


I updated the post and lost the comments. Sorry. To sum: send me an email! 

Posted by Ronan



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