A typical English cock-up

I said a few posts ago that a sense of renewed British pride was abroad in the land. Part of that was winning the Olympics, a sign that the government could actually get behind something and make it happen. Finally the Brits worked out how to get the proverbial trains to run on time.

But we're back to the same old government shambles today with news that the public smoking ban has hit a snag: at issue is whether a ban should cover all pubs and private clubs, and whether sealed "smoking rooms", where no staff work, should be allowed in some pubs.

Look, it's easy: most people want the ban, most people don't want complicating rules, so just do like the Irish (hard to believe the Irish have led the way on this--no more Paddy jokes from this Pom), and just ban smoking in bars and restaurants.

Anyway, the proposed bill is being held-up whilst they sort all this out. The Tories have said the government is in disarray; harsh words, but not far from the truth (but, no, Conservatives, I won't be joining your party).